Saturday, June 4, 2011

Theresa Pfarr: Painting

Post Op, 2010, oil on canvas, 38"x 38"
Theresa Pfarr, an American female artist showcasing her works that illustrate the stress between the commercial identity of women and the personal identity of women.
>>>>>> Her artworks are very expressive and concentrate on creating images of women that have a loss of identity. Personally, I see this through young girls all around me and the emotion I receive from Pfarr's paintings are exactly just that - loss of self-indentity. A question is asked to yourself, who is that girl in the painting? The loss of look in her eyes give off the sense of mystery, to the people around her as well as to her self. The culture in these present days are mainly focused around media, and the media focuses around physical features, especially the fashion industry. There is a lot of controversy around this topic, however without a doubt the media does impact on those who watch it.

Pfarr's techniques are absolutely stunning. She keeps a controlled, yet expressive technique with her oils. Her strokes appear harsh and rough, however each line is smoothed out and blended creating depth and remarkable tone throughout the painting. Her choice of colors might seem simple however, there is an intricate tone within them. The contrast between the figure and the background really help the figure become the focal point, which - to me - resembles a magazine cover. A plain background with a model smack in the center of it, catching the attention of the readers.

Theresa Pfarr's works have already been featured in various exhibitions around the United States as well as in some exclusive collections. Check out her website and view more of her works there!

Frivolity, 2006, oil on canvas, 54"x 54". 

K. Moss Leviathan, 2007, oil on canvas, 49"x 49"

 untitled, 2008, oil on canvas, 40"x 40"

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